Community service and volunteering is something our School takes pride in, being based in such a small community we understand the importance our School has within Upper Beaconsfield.
Primarily an activity in which time is freely given to benefit others, community service and volunteering has both social and educational benefits such as:
- civic engagement
- lifelong learning into adulthood
- greater self-esteem
- access to positive adult role-models
- more satisfaction with school and family life
- increased commitment to school and school values and higher educational aspirations
Schools with an ethos or culture of participation have a strong influence on student engagement, and activities within the local Upper Beaconsfield community involve direct student participation and these are outlined below.
Upper Beaconsfield Early Learning Centre

As part of the Upper Beaconsfield Educational Services Group, BUPS children visit the UBCC Crèche weekly in Terms 2-4 to read to the younger children.

Upper Beaconsfield Mens Shed
Our association with the community has been strengthened thanks to involvement of the Men from the Upper Beaconsfield Men’s Shed. They assisted some of our Grade 6 students with constructing the ‘Novotel’ chook pen in 2013.

4 Year old Kinder
Students in Grade 5 attend the kindergarten as part of the buddy program. The students read, play and interact with the kinder children. This interaction assists them with their transition to school.
Pre – Kinder
BUPS students attend the Pre-Kinder during Terms 2 and 3 to assist and interact with the children during play based activities.

ANZAC Day & Remembrance Day Service
As part of the school’s Civics and Citizenship program, we acknowledge the contribution that Australians have made in keeping the peace and defending our nation through events such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day. Our grade 6 student leaders present the Commemorative Service by the flagpole, reminding us all of the tragedies of wars and devastation on the families and the nation as a whole.
All children are invited to bring flowers from home and place them at the bottom of the flagpole.
It is impressive that children, including our Preps, demonstrate an understanding of the importance of Remembrance Day, (Armistice Day). This is a day which signifies the last day of World War 1 on the 11th of November, 1918.