
Kinder to Prep Transition top

“The distance between the Kinder and Primary School stage is not a step… it is a leap.”
– David Elkind, 2005

At Beaconsfield Upper Primary School we have an extensive Kinder to Foundation (Prep) Transition Program for all children commencing Primary School next year. This program aims to give pre-school children a taste of school life and is conducted by our current Prep teachers. It also enables parents to attend information sessions, meet the teachers, the Principal and the Assistant Principal and find out more about the school and what to expect.

Children do not need to be enrolled at Upper Beaconsfield Kindergarten to attend this program. All children eligible to commence primary school next year are welcome to attend.

*If you are interested in joining the program, please contact the school office for bookings and further information. Ph: 5944 3591


“A good Transition to School process ensures children will start school ready to learn and schools will be ready for children.”
(Pianta 2004)

The BUPS Kinder to Prep Transition Program includes a structured approach to building happy, positive relationships with our incoming Prep children and their families. This starts at the beginning of each year and involves a series of interactions with the school, both for the individual child and their parents. These include:

  • Invitations to whole school events such as: the annual Book Fair Parade, Incursions and the annual school Production dress rehearsal.
  • Four half day visits by our Prep teachers to the Upper Beaconsfield kindergarten in the first half of the year to build familiarity.
  • A parent information evening in May and November, held to discuss the Prep transition process and expectations for the following year. A comprehensive handbook on how to ensure a smooth transition is provided for all families.
  • A formal program for the kinder children, which takes place in Term 4, with a series of half day visits to BUPS with classroom teachers and several specialists – Art, LOTE, Music and PE.
  • All incoming Preps receive a welcome letter with a photo from their own teacher. Individual interview and ‘testing’ times for all students are also provided.
  • Our prep children have well matched Grade 6 buddies to help them to happily settle into school life. The Grade 6 buddies also plan and implement fun literacy and numeracy activities to do with their Prep buddies.
  • A Prep family ‘Welcome to BUPS BBQ’ is held in Term 1. At the end of Term 3, all the Prep children participate in the annual school Production, a special event attended by families.

As parents you may have many questions about whether your child is ready for school or if they may benefit from another year in kindergarten.

When can my child start school?
To enrol in a Victorian government school, children must be at least five years of age by the 30th of April in the year they start school.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s school readiness and transition, please speak to your Kinder teacher, or the staff at BUPS.

School readiness. Your child may be ready to start school if they:

  • Have reasonable control over their behaviour and emotions.
  • Can cope when minor things go wrong.
  • Can talk confidently to adults, ask for help and express their feelings.
  • Can entertain themselves.
  • Can make things for themselves.
  • Can tackle new or challenging tasks.
  • Can solve simple problems on their own and stand up for themselves.
  • Can look after their belongings.
  • Can respect others’ toys and games, and share their own.
  • Have friends and can make friends. (School Readiness By Margaret Cook -The Age- May 29 2002)

Going to school
Starting school is part of a child’s life time development. From the ages of 5 to 12, children will progress from being dependent on others to being independent and more likely to work collaboratively with others on projects. Making decisions and taking responsibility for their actions are key trait developments during their primary school years.
Our information sessions, Open Mornings, School Tours and Prep Orientation Program will assist you and your child make a smooth and happy transition to school life at BUPS.

Before the first day at school
For the child to feel comfortable and familiar with the school, visit the school and allow your child to play in the yard, on the play equipment, pointing out to them the location of their classroom, the toilets and the office. Agree to a set meeting place after school and for if your child gets lost, eg the pine tree.

Establish bedtime routine – ensure your child gets enough sleep. Set aside a quiet time before sleep when you can provide your child with your undivided attention. Encourage your child to dress themselves – choose easy fasteners where possible. Ensure your child can manage the toilet routine.
 Practise eating playlunch and lunch – opening lunchboxes and bottles, unwrapping food.
· Read the information provided at information sessions and in the Prep Information Booklet.

You will be given information about opportunities for parental involvement once your child starts school, during the transition program.

School Uniforms
At Beaconsfield Upper every child is required to wear the BUPS uniform.
Our uniforms are supplied by Beleza. Click here for more info

Internal Transition top

An effective transition program prepares our children for the next stage of their education. Our internal transition program for students in Grades Prep -5 that takes place in December each year, sees children spend time with their new class for the following year. This time will be spent in their classroom with their teacher for the following year. Students will engage in meaningful work aimed at making the transition into the following year as smooth as possible.

Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition top

At BUPS our aim is to prepare the students academically, socially and emotionally for secondary school.

Below is an outline of our Grade 6 to Year 7 transition program:

Our well developed and effective relationship with the main neighbourhood secondary college, Berwick College is very important in ensuring a smooth transition to secondary education. BUPS students attend a wide range of local government and independent secondary colleges.

Our secondary transition program focuses on excellent communication between Berwick College, parents and our BUPS transition co-ordinator.

  • Our Grade 6 teaching, learning and homework program encompasses the development of academic skills as well as management and organisational skills.
  • At BUPS Grade 5 and 6 students become familiar with working with a range of teachers rather than just one. This helps your child prepare for the different teaching methods of secondary schools.
  • The BUPS teachers discuss with the Grade 5 and 6 students how from the beginning of Year 7, learning is organised into separate subjects that are usually taught by different teachers and that your child may not be in the same classroom, or with the same group of students, throughout the day.
  • The BUPS Grade 5/6 teachers take the students in Grades 5 and 6 to visit Berwick College.
  • Teachers from Berwick College also visit BUPS to take small groups for lessons, or to talk about secondary school, introducing themselves and the subjects they teach.
  • Past BUPS students, who are now secondary students, visit BUPS to talk to Grade 5 and 6 students about the transition to secondary school and what secondary school is like.


Anecdotal and parent survey results indicate BUPS students settle very quickly into secondary school life and are successfully challenged to reach their full potential and build pathways for future careers.


Orientation Day
As part of the transition from Year 6 to Year 7, students attending secondary schools participate in an Orientation Day, often the second Tuesday in December. This may include a school tour, meeting fellow students and teachers, and taking part in special lessons and activities. The orientation session at Berwick College will be advertised in the BUPS Newsletter and you can check with other local secondary school for their orientation day details.


Information Evenings
Information evenings and orientation sessions at Berwick College are offered to our students in Grade 6. The aim of the information evenings are to give students and their parents the opportunity to gain an insight into the transition process, settling in to secondary school, the structure of the College, the courses they offer both at a curriculum level and extra-curricular level, the academic successes of the College, and the future pathways that your child may consider throughout their schooling. All information and orientation sessions will be advertised in the BUPS Newsletter.


Berwick College School Tours
Bookings are essential. Parents need to call the General Office on ph: 8768 1000 to make a booking.


Berwick College – High Achievers Program
At Berwick College we strive to cater for all students in our vibrant learning community. Students who show high academic aptitude and have high academic aspirations are particularly suited to our High Achievers Program.

Emphasis is placed on higher level thinking, problem solving and academic achievement. Involvement in the performing arts and community projects are also key features of this program.

Application forms are available on the College website or from the BUPS office, and from the College general office. For further information please contact Berwick College on: 8768 1000.


Transition from Primary to Secondary School – what can parents do to assist?
The move from primary to secondary school is another major milestone for your child. It’s a time of big changes in their development, education and life. Secondary school covers Years 7 to 12, where students are usually aged 12 to18. By law, your child must complete Year 10 and remain in some form of education or training until they are 17.
Secondary school provides opportunities to challenge your child and to develop the valuable skills they will take into adulthood.
Leaving primary school can be exciting and daunting, and there are ways parents can help make this move as smooth as possible. For tips on how to best prepare your child for secondary school, click here

Parents can assist with preparing for the transition from primary to secondary school by helping their child become increasingly self-reliant while in upper primary school. Slowly increase the child’s responsibility for completing homework and other tasks, caring for their school belongings, and getting to school and classes on time.