Camps are a fundamental aspect of the Outdoor Education program at BUPS. It encourages student development of Physical and Interpersonal learning. The staff notice that children benefit greatly from attending school camps, and find that is an experience whereby the children build upon independence and relationships in a multi age setting. In line with the BUPS ‘You Can Do It Program’, the camp experiences provide opportunities for children to practise the keys to success including: Getting Along, Persistence, Confidence, Organisation and Resilience.
Information sessions regarding the camps are held for students and parents after school hours.
Class teachers attend and so as to maintain small activity groups, Parent Helpers are required. All Parent Helpers are required to hold a current ‘Volunteer Working With Children Check’ and to be Triple Vaccinated against Covid-19.
Surrounded by vineyards, rural properties and coastline, Camp Manyung is nestled in a small valley between Mt Eliza and Mornington. Overlooking Port Phillip Bay the camp is only one hour from Melbourne. Situated in Mt Eliza, the gateway to the Mornington Peninsula, Camp Manyung benefits from unique views, open spaces and a vast array of local attractions.
YMCA provides challenging outdoor adventure activity programs designed to meet the desired learning outcomes of each group. Our qualified program instructors will lead groups through our many activities within a safe and supportive environment.
Activity programs are fully tailored to your group’s needs and experience levels and developed in consultation with your group leader to ensure that the program will meet the desired learning outcomes for your group.
YMCA Leaders strive to incorporate our core values in the delivery of programs that instils in campers the appreciation of nature, the building of ones self-confidence and the strengthening of community. Activities offered at Camp Manyung utilise the local coastal environment, bushland and open areas of the camp.
Forest Edge
This camp is located just 90 minutes east of Melbourne in Neerim East. It features a river valley, where rich farming lands, quiet rivers, lush fern gullies, tall old growth forests, & majestic mountains come together to frame this uniquely beautiful 120 acre property.
Activities that the children will be involved in include archery, climbing wall, hut building, bush cooking, bushwalking, low ropes, flying fox, swimming, giant trampoline and more!
To read more about Forest Edge camp, please click here
Sovereign Hill
In Term 1 the student focus in the curriculum is Australian history and in particular the Gold Rush, so the Sovereign Hill camp is a vital component of this study.
Wilsons Prom
Wilsons Promontory National Park, commonly known as Wilsons Prom, or the Prom, is a National Park in the Gippsland region of Victoria, 157km, South East of Melbourne.
This Grade 5 /6 camp is held, every odd year, over five days. Activities include bushwalking, camping and learning to surf.